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Xbox One Abwärtskompatibilität – Xbox 360 Spiele-Liste

Seit dem 12. November 2015 könnt Ihr, Dank der Xbox One Abwärtskompatibilität, ausgewählte Xbox 360 auch auf eurer Xbox One spielen. Microsoft wird versuchen stetig Nachschub ab Xbox 360 Spielen zu liefern.

Wir werden euch diese Xbox 360 Spiele-Liste immer wieder aktualisieren, wenn es mehr Xbox 360-Spiele auf eure Xbox One schaffen. Damit Ihr schneller eure Xbox 360-Spiele finden könnt, gibt es die praktische Suchen-Funktion.

Xbox One Abwärtskompatibilität - Spieleliste

Call of Duty 2Games On DemandActivisionNeu
Bomberman BattlefestArcadeHudson Entertainment42600
Shank 2ArcadeElectronic Arts42593
Far Cry 3 Blood DragonArcadeUbisoft42591
Mr. DRILLER OnlineArcadeBandai Namco42584
NEW RALLY-XArcadeBandai Namco42584
Triggerheart ExelicaArcadeMicrosoft Studios42579
Boom Boom RocketArcadeElectronic Arts42577
SyberiaArcadeBandai Namco42577
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2ArcadeCAPCOM42572
CRYSTAL DEFENDERSArcadeSquare Enix42572
Fret NiceArcadeTECMO42572
PAC-MAN MUSEUMArcadeBandai Namco42572
SONIC 4 Episode IIArcadeSEGA42572
HALF-MINUTE HERO -Super Mega Neo Climax-ArcadeMicrosoft Studios42570
Tour de France 2009ArcadeFocus Home Interactive42570
InterpolArcadeMicrosoft Studios42565
Red Dead RedemptionGames On DemandRockstar Games42558
BloodforgeArcadeMicrosoft Studios42551
Go! Go! Break SteadyArcadeMicrosoft Studios42551
GripshiftArcadeMicrosoft Studios42551
Mars: War LogsArcadeFocus Home Interactive42551
Blood KnightsArcadeKalypso Media42544
Comic JumperArcadeMicrosoft Studios42544
Crystal QuestArcadeMicrosoft Studios42544
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of MystaraArcadeCapcom42544
Fallout: New VegasGames On DemandBethesda Softworks42544
I Am AliveArcadeUbisoft42544
Joe Danger Special EditionArcadeMicrosoft Studios42544
Red Faction: BattlegroundsArcadeTHQ42544
Babel Rising (not avail in Xbox 360 store)ArcadeUbisoft42537
Brain ChallengeArcadeMicrosoft Studios42537
Left 4 DeadGames On DemandElectronic Arts42537
Portal 2Games On DemandElectronic Arts42537
Foul PlayArcadeSold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd.42530
MONOPOLY PLUSGames On DemandUbisoft42530
SEGA Bass FishingArcadeSega42530
XCOM: Enemy WithinGames On Demand2K42530
Anomaly Warzone EarthArcadeMicrosoft Studios42528
AquaArcadeXbox LIVE Arcade42528
Lazy RaidersArcadeMicrosoft Studios42528
SSXGames On DemandEA Sports42516
Domino MasterArcadeMicrosoft Studios42514
DuckTales: RemasteredArcadeCapcom42514
Hexic 2ArcadeMicrosoft Studios42514
Magic 2012ArcadeMicrosoft Studios42514
Unbound SagaArcadeActivision42514
XCOM: Enemy UnknownGames On Demand2K Games42514
Call of Duty: Black OpsArcadeActivision42507
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s CutArcadeSquare Enix42500
Faery: Legends of AvalonArcadeFocus Home Interactive42500
Final Fight: Double ImpactArcadeCapcom42500
Frogger 2ArcadeKonami42500
DIG DUGArcadeBandai Namco42495
Phantasy Star IIArcadeSega42495
Runner2 ArcadeAksys Games42495
Samurai Shodown IIArcadeSNK Playmore42495
Sonic & KnucklesArcadeSega42495
Star Wars: The Force UnleashedGames On DemandDisney Interactive Studios42494
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed IIGames On DemandDisney Interactive Studios42494
Jet Set RadioArcadeSega42493
MX vs. ATV ReflexGames On DemandTHQ42493
Texas Hold ‘EmArcadeGearbox Software42493
Galaga Legions DXArcadeMicrosoft Studios42488
Altered BeastArcadeSEGA42486
Comix ZoneArcadeSEGA42486
Double Dragon NeonArcadeMajesco Entertainment42486
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of SlimeArcadeAtari42486
The CaveArcadeSEGA42486
Rayman OriginsGames On DemandUbisoft42481
DOOM 3 BFG Edition (only available on disc)Games On DemandBethesda Softworks42474
Monaco: What’s Yours is MineArcadeMajesco Entertainment42474
Duke Nukem Manhattan ProjectArcadeGearbox Software42472
Garou: Mark of the WolvesArcadeSNK PLAYMORE42472
Sonic the FightersArcadeSEGA42472
Gunstar HeroesArcadeSega42466
Dead SpaceGames On DemandElectronic Arts42459
Left 4 Dead 2Games On DemandElectronic Arts42458
Halo WarsGames On DemandMicrosoft42457
Soul Calibur II HDArcadeBandai Namco42457
The King of Fighters ’98 Ultimate MatchArcadeSNK Playmore42457
Dark SoulsGames On DemandBandai Namco42452
Tekken Tag Tournament 2Games On DemandBandai Namco42452
Assassin’s CreedGames On DemandUbisoft42450
Dark VoidGames On DemandCapcom42450
GRID 2Games On DemandCodemasters42450
Alan WakeGames On DemandMicrosoft42446
Castlevania: Symphony of the NightArcadeKonami42446
PAC-MANArcadeBandai Namco42446
Saints Row IVGames On DemandDeep Silver42442
A Kingdom for KeflingsArcadeMicrosoft Studios
A World of KeflingsArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Aegis WingArcadeXbox LIVE Arcade
Age of BootyArcadeCapcom
Alan Wake’s American NightmareArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Alien Hominid HDArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Assassin’s Creed IIGames On DemandUbisoft
Asteroids & DeluxeArcadeAtari
Banjo-KazooieArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & BoltsGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Banjo-TooieArcadeMicrosoft Studios
BattleBlock TheaterArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Bejeweled 2ArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Bellator: MMA OnslaughtArcade345 Games
Beyond Good & Evil HDArcadeUbisoft
Blood of the WerewolfArcadeMidnight City
BloodRayne: BetrayalArcadeMajesco Entertainment
BorderlandsGames On Demand2K Games
BraidArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Call of Juarez GunslingerArcadeUbisoft
CarcassonneArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Castle CrashersArcadeMicrosoft Studios
CastleStormGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Centipede & MillipedeArcadeAtari
Condemned: Criminal OriginsGames On DemandSega
Counter-Strike: GOArcadeValve Corporation
Crazy TaxiArcadeSega
Deadliest Warrior: LegendsArcade345 Games / Spike Games
Defense Grid: The AwakeningArcadeMicrosoft Studios
DiRT 3Games On DemandCodemasters
DiRT ShowdownGames On DemandCodemasters
Discs of TronArcadeDisney Interactive Studios
DoomArcadeBethesda Softworks
Doom IIArcadeBethesda Softworks
Doritos Crash CourseArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Dungeon Siege IIIGames On DemandSquare Enix
Earthworm Jim HDArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Fable IIGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Fable IIIGames On DemandMicrosoft Game Studios
Fallout 3Games On DemandBethesda Softworks
Feeding FrenzyArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck ShowdownArcadePopCap Games
GalagaArcadeNamco Bandai
Gears of WarGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Gears of War 2Games On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Gears of War 3Games On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Gears of War: JudgmentGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Geometry Wars EvolvedArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Golden AxeArcadeSega
Halo: ReachGames On DemandMicrosoft Game Studios
Halo: Spartan AssaultArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Hardwood BackgammonArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Hardwood HeartsArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Hardwood SpadesArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Heavy WeaponArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Hexic HDArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Hydro ThunderArcadeMicrosoft Studios
IkarugaArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Iron BrigadeArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Jeremy McGrath’s OffroadArcadeD3Publisher
Jetpac RefuelledArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Joy Ride TurboArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Just Cause 2Games On DemandSquare Enix
Kameo: Elements of PowerGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Kane & Lynch 2Games On DemandSquare Enix Ltd
LEGO BatmanGames On DemandWarner Bros. Interactive
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video GameGames On DemandDisney Interactive Studios
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete SagaGames On DemandDisney Interactive Studios
Lode RunnerArcadeMicrosoft Studios
LUMINES LIVE!ArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Mass EffectGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Metal Slug 3ArcadeSNK PLAYMORE
Might & Magic Clash of HeroesArcadeUbisoft
Mirror’s EdgeGames On DemandElectronic Arts
Missile CommandArcadeAtari
Monday Night CombatArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Monkey Island 2: Special EditionArcadeDisney Interactive Studios
Monkey Island: Special EditionArcadeDisney Interactive Studios
Motocross MadnessArcadeMicrosoft Studios
MS. PAC-MANArcadeBANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Ms. Splosion ManArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Mutant Blobs Attack!!!ArcadeMidnight City
N+ArcadeMicrosoft Studios
NBA JAM: On Fire EditionArcadeElectronic Arts
NiGHTS into dreams…ArcadeSega
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon RisingGames On DemandCodemasters
Pac-Man: Championship EditionArcadeBandai Namco
Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX+ArcadeBandai Namco
PeggleArcadePopCap Games, Inc.
Perfect DarkArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Perfect Dark ZeroGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Phantom Breaker: Battle GroundsArcadeMages.
Pinball FXArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Plants vs. ZombiesArcadePopCap
Portal: Still AliveArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Prince of PersiaArcadeUbisoft
Putty SquadArcadeSystem 3 Software Ltd
R-Type DimensionsArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Rayman 3 HDArcadeUbisoft
Sacred 3Games On DemandDeep Silver
Sacred CitadelArcadeDeep Silver
Sam & Max Save the WorldArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Sam & Max Beyond Time & SpaceArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.ArcadeSega
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden AxeArcadeSega
Sega Vintage Collection: Monster WorldArcadeSega
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of RageArcadeSega
Shadow ComplexArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Small ArmsArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Sonic CDArcadeSega
Sonic The HedgehogArcadeSega
Sonic The Hedgehog 2ArcadeSega
Sonic The Hedgehog 3ArcadeSega
South Park: The Stick of TruthGames On DemandUbisoft
Space GiraffeArcadeMicrosoft Studios
SpelunkyArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Splosion ManArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Super Meat BoyArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Supreme Commander 2Games On DemandSquare Enix
The Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsGames On DemandCD Projekt Red
Ticket to RideArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six VegasGames On DemandUbisoft
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2Games On DemandUbisoft
TorchlightArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Toy SoldiersArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Toy Soldiers: Cold WarArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Trials HDArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Tron: EvolutionGames On DemandDisney Interactive Studios
Ugly Americans: ApocalypsegeddonArcade345 Games / Comedy Central
Viva PiñataGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Viva Piñata: Trouble In ParadiseGames On DemandMicrosoft Studios
Wolfenstein 3DArcadeBethesda Softworks
ZumaArcadeMicrosoft Studios
Zuma’s Revenge!ArcadePopCap Games